
Thursday, October 25, 2012

GLO FRIENDS - Value - What are Glo Friends worth?

You may notice that most posts have something like this typed at the end of an item's description or blog post: "---$---". You probably guessed right. I'm trying to come up with some sort of Value system for us collectors. I have mentioned before that it's really hard to pin down the values of these items. I think most would agree that it has gone down a little in value. Prices people pay to purchase these also fluctuates greatly. 

I attempted to pin down a range, warning you that sometimes they go for more/less and it's probably one of those freak circumstances where someone is: extremely desperate at that time to have it -or- broke that week -or- forgot all about that auction we were supposed to bid on. At least, that's what I have personally experienced. 

I do need to work on the value system more. But, I haven't had much time to update this blog so I thought I'd just share what I have worked on so far. I'll make changes to it later. 

Below is a Value Key that gives a range of prices that people may pay. Some will also show a "+" to show that there's a good chance it will go for a little bit more. Some will show a range like $$-$$$ because there is a truly wide range of how much the value is.

Value Key

---$---         $1 - $30
---$$---       $30 - $60
---$$$---     $60 - $100
---$$$$---   $100+