
Thursday, February 13, 2025

It's 2025 and Time for a NEW Post!

 It's been a long, long time hasn't it? I've been recently inspired to update this site. I've added a few things to my collection recently. I plan on adding more information and pictures soon. In the meantime, just wanted to say hello to fellow glo friend collectors! 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Newest Additions to my Glo Friends Collection...

I'm having trouble editing my old posts. For now, I am posting a group of pictures in one post showing the newest Glo Friends items I have been able to add to my collection over the past several months. 

Included in this post is a book called A Busy Day in Glo Land by Ladybird, a blue plastic wall clock, a (probably fake) glo worm pull toy by Molto, set of 4 Placemats by Icarus Co Toys Ltd, Glo Snugbug Soap Dish Set with Grannybug soap by Cliro, and a plastic child size tea set (incomplete etc). 

Hope you enjoy a peek at my latest finds!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

GLO FRIENDS - Value - What are Glo Friends worth?

You may notice that most posts have something like this typed at the end of an item's description or blog post: "---$---". You probably guessed right. I'm trying to come up with some sort of Value system for us collectors. I have mentioned before that it's really hard to pin down the values of these items. I think most would agree that it has gone down a little in value. Prices people pay to purchase these also fluctuates greatly. 

I attempted to pin down a range, warning you that sometimes they go for more/less and it's probably one of those freak circumstances where someone is: extremely desperate at that time to have it -or- broke that week -or- forgot all about that auction we were supposed to bid on. At least, that's what I have personally experienced. 

I do need to work on the value system more. But, I haven't had much time to update this blog so I thought I'd just share what I have worked on so far. I'll make changes to it later. 

Below is a Value Key that gives a range of prices that people may pay. Some will also show a "+" to show that there's a good chance it will go for a little bit more. Some will show a range like $$-$$$ because there is a truly wide range of how much the value is.

Value Key

---$---         $1 - $30
---$$---       $30 - $60
---$$$---     $60 - $100
---$$$$---   $100+

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Bashful Bug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Bonnie Beetle & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Book Bug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Bopbug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Bug & Matching Sleeping Bag
Oops!!! Wrong bag shown here. It s/b the Purple with Pink stitching. 

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Butterfly & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Clutterbug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Cricket & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Doodle Bug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Granny Bug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Horsefly & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Nutty Bug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Skunk Bug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Snail & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Sniffles Snail & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Snugbug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Spider & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Tootle Bug & Matching Sleeping Bag

1980s GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppet
Glo Worm & Matching Sleeping Bag

GLO FRIENDS Finger Puppets are shown here with what I believe to be their matching bags, based on my own collection and researching the others. I mentioned in a previous post that you need to know the bag color as well as the thread color when matching them up properly.

Check out my Page that has the Glo Friends Finger Puppet Bag Checklist for more detail.

UPDATE: I want to thank a special ebayer for looking into their own collection of packaged figures to confirm that the colors shown in these pictures are correct, except for Glo Bug. It should be the purple/pink bag, not the one shown. The checklist (see "Pages" section for Checklist) appears to be correct though. And, I just realized that I missed Firefly on here. I'll correct this sometime in the future. Until then, use the checklist! ;)